Monday, June 8, 2009

Test: B5 L3+4 vocabulary

1. Many scientists think the Stonehenge was built for a_____ purposes.
2. Creators of the giant stone statues on Easter Island were wiped out in battles with another t_____.
3. In his b_____, George wrote about how his childhood affected his ideas and career choices.
4. Ancient Chinese based their activities on l_____ calendar. It is still practiced by many farmers today.
5. Billy and Bob are i_____ twins. They look exactly the same.
6. It is a wonder that the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids with such p_____ tools.
7. I was suddenly struck by a v_____ of emotions and began crying.
8. After her parents died, she was in a state of d_____. She lost all her hope in life.
9. I don’t have the a_____ for beef tonight. I just ate pounds of meet yesterday at the barbeque.
10. Many airplane crashes have shown that f____ may have affected pilots’ ability in making correct decisions.
11. Mary never throws anything away. She just a_____. She even has newspapers dated back to 1985!
12. My parents’ belief in me made me un_____ about my future.
13. Maybe one day, future mankind will look at the buildings we e____ today and wonder why we build them.
14. During earthquake, you should shelter beside a strong c_____. Sheltering underneath a table is not a good idea.
15. Every year on April 5, Taiwanese people visit tombs of their a_____ to pay respect to them.
16. The thought of her children is her only i_____ to work in the States. She works day and night so that her kids back home can go to school and have a comfortable life.
17. Summer in Taiwan is fun in general. I just don’t like the v_____ mosquitoes.

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