Friday, June 19, 2009

Test: B5 L3

I. 文意字彙

  1. We all reguard the general as a n____ and courageous leader.

  2. People are disappointed at the government's t____ on social reform.

  3. The company received great f____ for its excellent products. It is well-known for its manufacturing quality.

  4. What annoys me is that the boys keep s____ trash all over our classroom.

  5. A lot of our silverware is in s____.

  6. We couldn't but m____ at the view from the mountain top.

  7. The thief made a d____ attempt in escaping but failed. He was surronded by hundreds of police.

  8. B____ is in the eye of the beholder.

  9. A good friend can broaden our h____ and lift us above ourselves.

  10. People are worried about the p____ of sex and violence on TV shows.

II. 翻譯

  1. 閱讀之於心靈,猶如運動之於身體。

  2. 我會幫你,但你必須先向Ruby道歉。(on condition that)

  3. 我寧可親一隻青蛙也不願和他見面。

  4. 貨物需要送到機場。(transport)

  5. Linda對於各式音樂有極大的喜好。(appetite)

  6. 方便的話,請回電至我的辦公室。(convenience)

  7. 不管你喜歡中式餐點還是日本料理,今天晚餐吃中華料理。

  8. 他沒有心情寫書。

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