Thursday, July 2, 2009

Test: B5 L3 - L5

Test based on 雲林縣私立揚子中學九十七學年度第二學期高二英文科期末考

  1. The little boy showed no signs of w____ from playing his video game.

  2. This job i____ helping the elderly to use the online community services.

  3. That chocolate bar really ruined my a____ for dinner.

  4. Do you have any s____ plan for the weekend?

  5. A mousetrap is a useful d____ for catching rats in the house.

  6. Because of the p____ of the instructions, she had no idea what to do next.

  7. I really a____ your help during my troubled period.

  8. The serial killer is so v____ that the police have vowed to hunt him down.

  9. My friend bought the house on an i____.

  10. The MRT blue line has been e____ to Nangkang and Tucheng.

  11. ____ it is sunny or rainy, Jack has his head buried in books.
    (a)No wonder (b)Whether (c)No matter (d)When

  12. I found ____ difficult to communicate with the visitors.
    (a) it (b) that (c)this (d)there

  13. ____ is that such a primitive society would design these magnificent structures.
    (a)What amazes (b)More amazing (c)More amazed (d)To our amazement

  14. He grabbed me ____ the arm.
    (a)on (b)across (c)by (d)in

  15. Only ____ there is a will ____ a way..
    (a)by... is there (b)where... is there (c)with... does there (d)which... has there been

(a)a number of (b)back to dust (c)deserting (d)faith (e)fear (f)the love of ease(g)the love of wonder (h)the soul (i)timidity (j)unfailing

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It means there predominance of courage over <16>, of adventure over <17>. This is often exists in a man of sixty more that in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by <18> years. We grow old by <19> our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles <20>. Worry, doubt, self-distruction, and <21> --- these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit <22>. Sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart <23>, the sweet amazement of the stars and the undaunted challenges of events, the <24> child-like curiosity about what comes next, and the joy of the game of living. You are as young as your <25>, as old as your doubt.

(a)disappointed (b)enjoyed (c)favorite (d)happily (e)merely
(f)noisy (g)paycheck (h)promised (i)reward (j)run out of

An old man lived in a small side street of Mumbai had to put up with the nuisance of boys playing cricket and making a lot of noise outside his house every night.
One evening when the boys were particularly <26>, he went out to talk to them. He explained that he had just retired and was happiest when he could see or hear boys playing his <27> game, cricket. He would therefore give them 25 rupees each week to play in the street at night. The boys were thrilled, for they could hardly believe that they were being paid to do something they <28>!
At the end of the first two weeks, the boys came to the old man's house and went away <29> with their 25 rupees. The third week when they came back, the old man said he had <30> money and sent them away with only 15 rupees. The forth week, the man said he had not yet received his <31> from the government and gave them only 10 rupees. The boys were very <32>, but there was not much they could do about it.
At the end of the fifth week, the boys came back again and knocked at the old man's house, waiting for their <33>. Slowly, the door opened and the old man appeared. He apologized that he could not pay them 25 rupees as he had <34>, but said he would give them five rupees each week without fail.
This was really too much for the boys. "You expect us to play seven days a week for <35> five rupees!" they yelled. "No way!" They stormed away and never played on the street again.

(a) E-mail is different.
(b) I can zap a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and it gets there almost in a second.
(c) The time and distance, as a matter of fact, influence the letter-writer.
(d) The downside is, I might be less likely to say something deeper.
(e) I will also take more care with my style, trying to write in a way that is interesting and worth reading.

Many people say that email is just a faster way to deliver letters. The fact is that letter writing and email are completely different processes. Handwritten or typed, letters travel in envelopes through actual space and time getting from one place to another. <36> If I am writing on paper to my brother in Kenya, I will be less likely to complain about the breakfast I had this morning. I will probably write about my relationships and some things that I've been thinking about. <37> People tend to regard letters as important. My brother might save my letter; he might read it back to me years from now.
<38> It is instant, traveling from point to point. If you don't print it out, the message doesn't physically exist. With email, geography is no obstacle and time is not important. <39> The ease of this kind of writing and sending probably makes for a different kind of communication. I can complain about the breakfast I had this morning or rattle on about friends and movies. That is because I am not so focused on style and profundity. <40> My brother might glance at my mail, have a laugh, and then delete it.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Test: B5 L3

I. 文意字彙

  1. We all reguard the general as a n____ and courageous leader.

  2. People are disappointed at the government's t____ on social reform.

  3. The company received great f____ for its excellent products. It is well-known for its manufacturing quality.

  4. What annoys me is that the boys keep s____ trash all over our classroom.

  5. A lot of our silverware is in s____.

  6. We couldn't but m____ at the view from the mountain top.

  7. The thief made a d____ attempt in escaping but failed. He was surronded by hundreds of police.

  8. B____ is in the eye of the beholder.

  9. A good friend can broaden our h____ and lift us above ourselves.

  10. People are worried about the p____ of sex and violence on TV shows.

II. 翻譯

  1. 閱讀之於心靈,猶如運動之於身體。

  2. 我會幫你,但你必須先向Ruby道歉。(on condition that)

  3. 我寧可親一隻青蛙也不願和他見面。

  4. 貨物需要送到機場。(transport)

  5. Linda對於各式音樂有極大的喜好。(appetite)

  6. 方便的話,請回電至我的辦公室。(convenience)

  7. 不管你喜歡中式餐點還是日本料理,今天晚餐吃中華料理。

  8. 他沒有心情寫書。

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Test: B5 L3+4 vocabulary

1. Many scientists think the Stonehenge was built for a_____ purposes.
2. Creators of the giant stone statues on Easter Island were wiped out in battles with another t_____.
3. In his b_____, George wrote about how his childhood affected his ideas and career choices.
4. Ancient Chinese based their activities on l_____ calendar. It is still practiced by many farmers today.
5. Billy and Bob are i_____ twins. They look exactly the same.
6. It is a wonder that the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids with such p_____ tools.
7. I was suddenly struck by a v_____ of emotions and began crying.
8. After her parents died, she was in a state of d_____. She lost all her hope in life.
9. I don’t have the a_____ for beef tonight. I just ate pounds of meet yesterday at the barbeque.
10. Many airplane crashes have shown that f____ may have affected pilots’ ability in making correct decisions.
11. Mary never throws anything away. She just a_____. She even has newspapers dated back to 1985!
12. My parents’ belief in me made me un_____ about my future.
13. Maybe one day, future mankind will look at the buildings we e____ today and wonder why we build them.
14. During earthquake, you should shelter beside a strong c_____. Sheltering underneath a table is not a good idea.
15. Every year on April 5, Taiwanese people visit tombs of their a_____ to pay respect to them.
16. The thought of her children is her only i_____ to work in the States. She works day and night so that her kids back home can go to school and have a comfortable life.
17. Summer in Taiwan is fun in general. I just don’t like the v_____ mosquitoes.
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Test: What is the Story behind the Bed?

People spend about 1/3 (in written English: __1__) of their lives a__2__. We can s__3__ longer without food than without sleep. Sleeping is very important, so the bed is important.

For most of human history, people slept on layers of cloth, palm leaves, or f__4__. They laid these on the floor. In ancient Egypt, over three thousands years ago, the pharaohs were the first to raise their beds off/ down/ up the floor. They slept on light beds made of wood. You could f__6__ the bed and carry it. A__7__ found beds like this in Tutankhamen's tomb. People back then did not think soft p__8__ were necessary. The Egyptians put their heads on headrests made of wood and the Chinese had c__9__ headrests.

After the year 100, only the rich had beds. Poor people still slept on the floor. The bed became a symbol of w__10__. One e__11__ of Rome had a silver bed. Beds were also a person's most valuable p__12__. When Shakespeare died, he gave his second best bed to his wife. Beds were so special that in England, when a rich person traveled to another person's home, he took his bed with him.

After 1820, people slept on cotton m__13__ with m__14__ springs inside them. These beds are better for your health than beds made of wood because they have fewer i__15__ in them.

People didn't always wear clothes in bed. It was only after 1890 that men started to wear p__16__.

17-19. Name three types of beds.

20. The color black has often been used to ____(symbol) evil in children's books.
21. Your opinions are of great ____(valuable) to me.
22. Surely doing exercise is ____(prefer) to going on a diet to lose weight.
23. 有些遊客步行到山頂,有些搭火車。
24. 她既聰明又漂亮。最重要的是,她有經驗。
25. 會議進行到一半時,我的手機響了。

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