Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Test: Giant Pandas

Many animals today are facing e__1__. One very special animal that needs our protection is the giant panda. Pandas are clearly an e__2__ species.

The biggest problem that pandas face today is the loss of their natural h__3__(H). This loss is due mainly to d__4__(DF). Because of the rapid growth of p__5__ in the past century, large areas of natural forest have been cleared for a__6__, timber and human habitation. As s__7__ push higher up the mountain slopes, panda H i__8__ disappears.

DF also t__9__ the pandas' food supply. Pandas feed mainly on/ at/ to bamboo, c__11__ up to 38 kilograms a day. Without enough forest area, the pandas will s__12__. To make matters worse, every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally b__13__ and die on/ off/ in.

When people cut down trees, the forest is broken into small areas. In these areas, the pandas can only live in small groups. Within these small groups, it is difficult for them to find a__15__ m__16__. As a result, they are facing a greater risk of i__17__. The younger pandas may get sick more often and become less a__18__ to changes in the environment.

Another problem that pandas face is that young cubs are v__19__ and require a great deal of care. It has no fur and is b__20__for the first six weeks. During this time the mother does not leave the cub's side. She has to spend much time l__21__the cub so that it will not have any smell that might a__22__ p__22__.

F__24__, m__25__ are being taken to help the pandas. Zoos are having some success in breeding pandas. The best thing we can do to help pandas is to p__26__their H and take a__27__to protect their lives.

28. King正跑步離開教室,找同學打球。
29. 老師堅持King要寫完作業才能離開。
30. King持續寫作業直到下課時間結束。
31. 全班除了King,作業都沒寫完。
32. 老師很高興,因為King停下打球。

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