Friday, October 10, 2008

Mothly Test Review

adopted from English Monthly Exam I for 11th Grader Autumn 2008, Yangtsi Senior High School, Yunlin County, Taiwan. 引自雲林縣私立揚子高中英文九十七學年度第一學期第一次定期考高二英文試題。

1. Zoe had already gone out when I _____ at her house.
(A) had arrived (B) arrived (C) would arrive (D) arriving
2. Movies _____ on classic novels are not interesting, for we all know the ending.
(A) are based (B) which based (C) that is based (D) based
3. _____ , you can find a cheap hotel room in the city, but you'll need to be lucky.
(A) A century ago (B) On the end (C) Not only (D) In theory
4. All the love letters she wrote to him were _____; he married someone else.
(A) in vain (B) in fact (C) in the soul (D) in white
5. I'm not angry with you, _____ rather mad at myself.
(A) and (B) for (C) but (D) so
6. At this time of year, the tree in our garden is _____ pink flowers.
(A) washed away (B) fallen on (C) come to (D) covered with
7. I didn't notice her _____, but she's sitting on the sofa right now.
(A) coming (B) to come (C) came (D) to coming
8. _____ to have such a nice and pretty wife!
(A) How lucky you are (B) How lucky are you (C) What luck is it (D) What a lucky man it is
9 . I was about _____ a nap when the door bell rang.
(A) to taking (B) of taking (C) to take (D)take
10. I can't imagine Helen _____ one hundred thousand dollars on a bag.
(A) spend (B)to spend (C)spending (D)spent
1l. A tourist who stays in Hollywood long enough _____ see a movie star, eventually.
(A) is bound to (B) of course (C) all in all (D) as usual
12. My brother passed the test ____ some help from a private tutor.
(A) take after (B) take over (C) thanks to (D) turn on
13. If you want to be successful, you have to _____ from the crowd.
(A) stand for (B) stand out (C) stand a chance (D) show off
14. We had a _____ on the freeway when a large truck almost hit our car.
(A) last straw (B) lost cause (C) call it a day (D) close call
15. When Danny stood me up for the third time, it was the _____.
(A) first call (B) last straw (C) last call (D) close call
16. Paul was sick and couldn't go to work, so he asked me to _____ him.
(A) on duty of (B) let slide (C) cover for (D) on duty of
17. When I finish universy, I want to _____ my own company.
(A) set up (B) take over (C) account for (D) carry on
18. The American flag _____ freedom and justice.
(A) stands up for (B) sets out to (C)stands a chance (D) stands for
19. I'm very short, so I'm not _____ basketball.
(A) on duty (B) cut out for (C) carry out (D) count on
20. The city has heen _____ by the enemy soldiers.
(A) taken over (B)taken turns (C) taken pains (D) taken into account

Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases that we may face. But scientists believe that most kinds of cancer have something to do 21 the food we eat. This means that we can reduce our risk of getting cancer by 22 some simple changes in our diet. We can change our 23 by reducing the amount of fat we eat and by the amount of vegetables and high fiber food in our diet.
In addition, it is important 24 to drink too much alcohol, but to get more exercise. We should also try to 25 our weight down. Just remember, adopting a few healthy 26 habits now can help us enjoy a long and happy life.

21. (A) without (B) by (C) with (D) like
22. (A) getting (B) making (C) taking (D) doing
23. (A) plan (B) habit (C) diet (D) hobby
24. (A) not (B) doesn't (C) don't (D) no
25. (A) keep (B)put (C) slow (D) break
26. (A) studying (B) singing (C) playing (D) eating

27. This chair can be a d to meet your comfort.
28. How closely Gerald r s his father in their love of traveling!
29. The patient just had a heart t t and is now recovering.
30. The use of chemicals may cause serious harms to the e t.
31. In spite of the e ity of her situation, she still had hope.
32. Although the young man has never been to France, he speaks f t French.
33. This guidebook will help you d r fascinating places to visit and exciting things to do.
34. The beauty of nature provided great i n for the poet.
35. Once she came up with a c t for her history, she found it easy to write ten pages.
36. We were advised not to a e with drug addicts and alcoholics.

37. 這一袋蘋果比那一袋番茄重三倍。
This bag of apples is _____ _____ _____ _____ that bag of tomatoes.
38. 全球化的改變讓我有機會接近來自世界各國的人事物。
Globalization gives me more _____ _____ things and people from different countries.
39. 土耳其菜一直到前幾年才開始在台灣流行。
Turkish food was _____ common in Taiwan _____ a few years ago.
40. 有了特殊的裝備,我們甚至可以透過網際網路看到對方。
_____ special equipment, we can even see each other _____ the Internet.

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