Saturday, December 27, 2008

Test: Earthships

In the middle of the d__1__ near Taos, New Mexico, visitors will find a number of very o__-l__2__ houses. Some are e__3__ structures, covered on one side with a long row of s__4__ glass p__5__. Others are topped with d__6__ that are topped with flat windows like the e__7__ to a flying s__8__ from out/ outer/ outside space. But no! They are not spaceships. They are Eearthships.

An Earthship is a relatively/ relate/ related new type of house that is e__-f__11__ and s__-s__12__. It is build with many recycle/ recycling/ recyclable materials both inside and out, p__14__ used tires and a__15__ cans. The s__16__ allow light into the house without allowing too much heat. E__17__ for lights comes from wind or s__18__ power. Its own water system recycles waste water and s__19__ for gardening. The home only needs to be h__20__ up to a phone line.

Earthships were first created in the 1970s by a man named Michael Reynolds. Reynolds also runs w__21__ so that owners can be involved in building their own Earthships. The building process is relatively simple, though it does require a lot of p__22__ work.

Finished Earthship homes are often very beautiful. They are built in many unusual and creative designs. The people who live in Earthships seem to be very happy with their lifestyle. They pay hardly any u__23__ bills. Many also get a great sense of s__24__ from using their own hands to help build the house. Many owners add special touches to the i__25__, such as carved doors, stone floors and even handmade furniture.

26. 我父母不允許我們晚上在外遊蕩(hang out)到太晚。
27. 老師說他不允許班上有作弊行為。
28. 從去年聖誕節起,我們就一直在進行這個計畫。
29. 我好久沒見到妳了。
30. 紙是由木材做的。

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