Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Test: Only 17

A__1__ c__2__ my mind. I am a s__3__. When I first got here I felt very much alone. I was o__4__ by grief.

I found no s__5__. I saw only thousands of others whose bodies were as badly m__6__ as mine. I was given a number and placed in a c__7__ called "Traffic F__8__."

It doesn't matter how the accident happened. I was g__9__off --- going too fast, taking crazy chances. But I was enjoying my freedom and having fun. Glass and steel flew everywhere. My whole body seemed to be turning inside out. I heard myself scream.

Suddenly, I awakened. I was s__10__ with blood. Later I was placed in a drawer. My f__11__ came to identify me. Why did they have to see me like this? Why did I have to look at Mom's eyes when she faced the most terrible o__12__ of her life?

The f__13__ was weird. I saw all my r__14__ and friends walk toward the c__15__. They Some of my buddies were crying. A few of the girls touched my hand and s__16__ as they walked by. My brother and sister are like z__17__.

Please, don't b__18__ me! I'm not dead! IAll I want is one more chance. Please, God, I'm only 17.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Test: Les Miserables

Victor Hugo’s novel Les Misérables draws people’s i__1__. This story of p__2__, r__3__, and romance touches people’s everywhere. But people no longer have to read the book to enjoy the story. A__4__ from the 1,200-page novel, Les Misérables, or “Les Miz,” catches hearts in the theater.

The story begins in 1815, when Jean Valjean leaves p__5__. Though he tries, Valjean can get no work because of his past. He finally steals some expensive silver from a kind bishop. To Valjean's s__6__, the b__7__ tells Valjean that he must use the silver to become an honest man.

As the story continues, Valjean vows to raise a dying mother's little girl into/ as/ of his own. He helps a group of students and the Paris poor as they fight against i__9__. The l__10__ calls the e__11__ story a “powerful river carrying you from beginning to end.”

"Les Miz" began as a French p__12__. When the producer Cameron Mackintosh heard a r__13__ of it in 1980, he immediately wanted to bring it to London. However, he realized that the m__14__ needed to be reworked. Mackingtosh, the directors and the writers worked to t__15__ the existing songs into/ as/ of English.

The show opened on October 8, 1985, in London. The c__17__ didn't like it, but the a__18__ loved it. They cried, c__19__ and cheered, and they told their friends to see the show.

In London, hundreds of people have written to the director describing how they were moved and changed by the show. They said the show gave them a feeling of o__20__ that made them stop their self-pity. They show also inspired the casts to work together to raise money for good causes. No other play in the history of theater has raised so much money for c__21__, particularly the homeless.

Not every country has experienced the social problems of France. However, Les Miz tells the story of human s__22__, and give a message of hope. That message touches people everywhere.

23. 他太精力旺盛,不符合退休老頭的刻板印象。
24. 有些昆蟲是聰明的掠食者,他們設下陷阱捕捉獵物。(such)
25. 這店員非常的高傲。他不認為我能負擔起這件洋裝。
26. 我們的產品分成兩大類:必須品與奢侈品。
27. 穿著輕便的服裝參加婚宴不合時宜。(It is ...)
28. 我們要更加關注瀕臨絕種的動物。
29. 有些人認為,保持健康最好的方法是規律地做運動。
30. 我認為,健康有賴於均衡的飲食與適當的運動。

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Test: Has the Cat Got Your Tongue?

It’s a classic image—a child hiding her heard in her mother’s skirts when she meets a s__1__, or a student b__2__ and s__3__ when the teacher asks his name. Shyness probably a__4__ 40 to 50 percent of all people in North America. It’s just that most people appear c__5__ on the surface, and in social situations they seem well a__6__. Only 15 to 20 percent of us fit the s__7__ of the shy person.

What exactly is shyness? “It’s a feeling of self-c__8__,” says Rita Clark, a p__9__. “Shy people feel nervous and ill at ease. They may t__10__, and have b__11__ in their stomach. They worry about making a bad i__12__ on people.” Shyness doesn’t necessarily show on the surface. In fact, people sometimes think that shy people are s__13__ and uninterested in other people when really they are just afraid to make c__14__.

You may be s__15__ to know who is actually very shy. One well-known talk-show host, whose show is watched by millions of viewers, has to plan p__16__ down to the last detail—in order to appear s__17__. “Other ‘private shy’ people include p__18__, teachers, and entertainers,” says Clark. “These people act outgoing when they’re doing their jobs, but they’re very i__19__ socially. You’d be amazed how many public figures fit into this c__20__.”

Research shows that some people are born with a shy t__21__. About 20 percent of babies show a__22__ signs of distress when they see strangers or e__23__ unfamiliar situation. Some scientists feel that such shyness is i__24__.

If 15 to 20 percent of shyness is innate, how do other people become shy? Children may become shy when they enter school or meet new challenges. A__25__ may suffer from an i__26__ crisis and become shy. Whatever the reasons, shy people suffer from t__27__ and from well-meaning c__28__.

- Don’t be a p__29__. It’s better to set r__30__ goals.
- Learn to take r__31__. It’s not your fault. It’s part of life.
- Smile and look at people. If you smile and show you’re interested, people will r__32__ and conversation will be easier.

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