Monday, September 15, 2008

Test: Our Global Village

Ring ... ring ... ring ... My day today, as u__1__, started at 6 a.m., when the alarm went _2_ on the old Swiss clock at my bedside. I d__3__ s__4__ out from b__5__ the s__6__ Thai silk sheets, and then r__7__ out of the bed I had just bought two weeks before from Ikea. By 7 o'clock, even before I left the house for work, I had already received two business calls on my Nokia cellphone, one from a French c__8__ at work and the other from a business a__9__ calling from Canada.

As I left the house, I suddenly thought for/ to/ at myself how g__11__(G1) my life had become.

On the way to work, I thought about the a__12__ ways that life has changed with the r__13__ growth of g__14__(G2) over the last couple of d__15__. Some people d__16__ these changes because they think these changes will lead to the slow d__17__ of many a__18__ of their culture. Others, however, r__19__ how much more interesting things can become with the greater v__20__ these changes give their lives. Being a Westerner who lives in Taipei, I think G2 is great because it gives me so much more a__21__ to things, p__22__ and people from around the world, that it seems, for/ to/ at times, like I haven't left my hometown of London.

Once I got to work, I s__24__ on my IBM computer, while drinking a cup of b__25__ coffee from Brazil and f__26__ on French bread sandwiches. Later in the morning, I had v__27__ meetings with c__28__ from Germany and Korea to d__29__ our new line of products.

During our relaxing lunch, I slowly looked a__30__ the restaurant and realized I could have been anywhere in the world. There were other Western people at the table next for/ to/ at us all c__32__ noisily in languages that I wasn't able to understand. The Taiwanese waiter then greeted us in f__33__ English, with only a s__34__ Taiwanese a__35__. The G2 of this city, though, is most o__36__ in its y__37__ culture. While we were eating, three teenagers with d__38__ hair walked past our window drinking Starbucks coffee, laughing and high-fiving one another. This look and type of b__39__ was not c__40__ in Taiwan until a few years ago.

At the end of work, after such a m__41__ day, I was ready to try something different. So at home tonight I ate a good, old-fashioned Taiwanese bian-dang, which I bought at the local restaurant on my street, and I followed this up/ to/ for with clam soup and a big cup of high mountain oolong tea.

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