Monday, August 4, 2008

Test: The Owl Who Was God

I. Fill in the blanks

Once upon/ in/ at a starless midnight there was an owl who sat on the b 2 of an oak tree. Two ground moles tried to slip quietly by/ in/ out, unnoticed. "You!"said the owl. "Who?" they q 4 , in fear and a 5 , for they could not believe it was possible for anyone to see them in that thick darkness. The moles h 6 back to the other c 7 of the f 8 and forest r 9 that the owl was the greatest and wisest of all animals because he could see in the dark and because he could answer any question. "I’ll see about that," said a secretary bird, and he called on/ in/ at the owl one night when it was again very dark. "How many c 11 am I holding up?"

"Can he see in the d 12 , too?" asked a red fox. "Yes," answered a dormouse and a French poodle. "Can he see in the daytime, too?" All the other creatures laughed loudly at/ in/ on this silly question, and they set up/ upon/ out the red fox and his friends and drove them out of the forest. They sent a m 15 to the owl and asked him to be their leader.

When the owl a 16 among the animals it was high noon and the sun was shining brightly. He walked very slowly, which gave him an appearance of great d 17 , and he p 18 about him with large, staring eyes, which gave him an air of t 19 importance. "He’s God!" screamed a Plymouth rock hen. And the others took at/ in/ up the cry "He’s God!" So they followed him wherever he went and when he b 21 into things they began to do that, too. Finally he came to a c 22 h 23 and he started up the middle of it and all the other creatures followed him. They were still crying "He’s God" when the truck hit them and ran them d 24 . Some of the animals were m 25 i 26 , but most of them, including the owl, were killed.

II. Combine sentences with ..., for...; ..., so...; or ..., which...

27. The final exam is next week. We can't party all day. (so/ for)
28. He kept looking at his watch. His girlfriend is late. (so/ for)
29. Mrs. White threw all her hudsband's luggages out of the window. That scared their children. (which)
30. Mr. Henderson is handsome. He is very popular. (which)
31. She doesn't want to stay at home. She doesn't want to be alone. (so/ for)

IV. Combine or rewrite the sentences using the hints provided.
32. Mike is my friend, but he is more like a brother to me. (... not so much... as...)
33. Lisa is more friendly than helpful. (Lisa is not so much ... as ...)
34. I love American fastfood. My favorite is fried chicken wings with barbeque sauce. (One of... )
35. Both Sally and Billy love to play basketball. (Like Billy, Sally...)
36. Both Indians and Koreans enjoy spicy food. (Like ..., ...)
37. His dream came true because of his hard work. (His hard work made ...)
38. Other creatures in the forest thought the owl is God because of his ability to answer all questions. (... make ...)
39. To study all day long is tiring. (It is...)
40. Leanring different languages is useful. (It is...)

Stop and review your answers before you check the answer key.

1. upon
2. branch
3. by
4. quavered
5. astonishment
6. hastened
7. creatures
8. field
9. region
10. on
11. claws
12. daytime
13. at
14. upon
15. messenger
16. appeared
17. dignity
18. peered
19. trememdous
20. up
21. bumped
22. concrete
23. highway
24. down
25. merely
26. injured

27. The final exam is next week, so we can't party all day.
We can't party all day, for the final exam is next week.
28. His girlfriend is late, so he kept looking at his watch.
He kept looking at his watch for his girlfriend is late.
29. Mrs White threw all her hudsband's luggages out of the window, which scared their children.
30. Mr. Henderson is handsome, which makes him very popular.
31. She doesn't want to be alone, so she doesn't want to stay at home.
She doesn't want to stay at home, for she doesn't want to be alone.

32. Mike is not so much a friend as a brother to me.
33. Lisa is not so much helpful as friendly.
34. One of my favorite American fastfood is fried chicken wings with barbeque sauce.
35. Like Billy, Sally loves to play basketball.
36. Like Koreans, Indians enjoy spicy food.
37. His hard work made his dream came true.
38. His ability of answer all questions made other creatures thought the owl is God.
39. It is tiring to study all day.
40. It is useful to learn different languages.

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