Monday, January 5, 2009

Test: What is the Story behind the Bed?

People spend about 1/3 (in written English: __1__) of their lives a__2__. We can s__3__ longer without food than without sleep. Sleeping is very important, so the bed is important.

For most of human history, people slept on layers of cloth, palm leaves, or f__4__. They laid these on the floor. In ancient Egypt, over three thousands years ago, the pharaohs were the first to raise their beds off/ down/ up the floor. They slept on light beds made of wood. You could f__6__ the bed and carry it. A__7__ found beds like this in Tutankhamen's tomb. People back then did not think soft p__8__ were necessary. The Egyptians put their heads on headrests made of wood and the Chinese had c__9__ headrests.

After the year 100, only the rich had beds. Poor people still slept on the floor. The bed became a symbol of w__10__. One e__11__ of Rome had a silver bed. Beds were also a person's most valuable p__12__. When Shakespeare died, he gave his second best bed to his wife. Beds were so special that in England, when a rich person traveled to another person's home, he took his bed with him.

After 1820, people slept on cotton m__13__ with m__14__ springs inside them. These beds are better for your health than beds made of wood because they have fewer i__15__ in them.

People didn't always wear clothes in bed. It was only after 1890 that men started to wear p__16__.

17-19. Name three types of beds.

20. The color black has often been used to ____(symbol) evil in children's books.
21. Your opinions are of great ____(valuable) to me.
22. Surely doing exercise is ____(prefer) to going on a diet to lose weight.
23. 有些遊客步行到山頂,有些搭火車。
24. 她既聰明又漂亮。最重要的是,她有經驗。
25. 會議進行到一半時,我的手機響了。

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